- Institution: Anglicare Victoria
- Institution Description:
Targeted Care Packages (TCPs) are an initiative of the Department of Health and Human Services in response to the State Government priority to reduce the number of children/young people residing in residential care. TCPs are creative and innovative placements developed around specific children/young people aged 0-18 years as a wrap-around service incorporating all aspects of support and brokerage required in order for them to successfully transition out of residential care to any alternative form of placement where their needs will be better met.
TCPs are designed to provide holistic support to children/young people, their family, carers and others through a care team model, across the service system. They are designed to follow the child/young person throughout the remainder of their care experience, for a period of up to six months post reunification or permanent care and up to twelve months from the end of their last order if leaving care as an 17 or 18 year old. By their nature, TCPs are designed to sit outside of traditional program boundaries.
- Job Description:
Keep children, young people and their families who meet the program service criteria appropriately engaged and continue to work with families to achieve individual goals and objectives.
Use of intervention strategies which achieve overall program goals to support children and young people in their respective placements to promote stability or work towards independent living.
- Requirement:
A relevant tertiary qualification – including at minimum Certificate 4 in Youth Services or other relevant field
Demonstrated ability to engage with children and young people and provide flexible options to promote their development and social inclusion.
An understanding of child and adolescent behaviour (particularly relating to trauma and attachment)
An ability to set and maintain clear boundaries and expectations.
- Contact: Amanda Thomas, Program Manager on 03 5135 9555
- Website: